One of the most dangerous places for a pregnant woman to give birth is West Africa.   Guinea is #173 out of #183 countries in the world for the highest death rate for women giving birth.  I was in Africa two weeks when I had my first encounter with babies and mother’s dying needlessly.  Almost weekly we hear of another death.  My take on these statistics is they are too low.   I think there are many, many more women who die in villages under the poor care of untrained midwives.  The midwives are often illiterate and never give statistics of how many women die yearly under their care.

Finally we are taking steps to reduce these numbers in our area. The Construction of the Maternity building was completed 2021.   However, we continue to look for staff and equipment to start maternity services at Hope Clinic. Please see the videos and pictures below.

Information on the site of Cama Zending

Digging foundation wells

Unloading truck

Concrete work cellars

Concrete work cellars

Gravel seven

Masonry foundation

Masonry cellar walls